
figure 〈fig., Fig.〉
膵悪性腫瘍 malignant neoplasm of pancreas
膵亜全摘 subtotal pancreatectomy
膵移植 transplantation of pancreas
随意〔性〕脱臼 voluntary dislocation
膵-胃吻合 pancreaticogastrostomy, pancreatogastrostomy
髄液 spinal fluid
髄液耳漏 otorrhea of cerebrospinal fluid
髄液鼻漏 rhinorrhea of cerebrospinal fluid
膵液瘻 pancreatic fistula
髄液瘻 cerebrospinal fluid fistula
髄液漏 liquorrhea, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid
膵炎 pancreatitis
膵外分泌機能試験(検査) pancreatic function diagnostant test 〈PFD〉
〔膵〕外分泌腫瘍 exocrine tumor
髄核造影 nucleography
髄核摘出 nucleotomy
髄核ヘルニア nuclear herniation
膵芽腫 pancreatoblastoma
髄芽腫 medulloblastoma