
よう(癰) carbuncle
陽圧呼気終末〔呼吸〕 positive end-expiratory pressure 〈PEEP〉
溶液 solution 〈sol, soln〉
溶骨性【形】 osteolytic
葉酸 folic acid 〈FA〉
腰三角 lumbar triangle =Petit triangle
幼児型腎嚢胞 infantile type of polycystic kidney
用指弁切開 digital opening of valve
用手矯正 manual correction
用手操作 manipulation =procedure
葉状腫瘍 phyllodes tumor
腰神経節《自律神経の》 lumbar ganglion
羊水吸引症候群 neonatal aspiration of amniotic fluid syndrome
羊水鏡 amnioscopy
羊水穿刺 amniocentesis
容積圧反応 volume-pressure response
容積脈波 plethysmography
葉切除《肝葉切除,肺葉切除,腺葉切除,脳葉切除》 lobectomy
腰仙角 lumbosacral angle
腰仙神経叢 lumbosacral plexus